
To complete a purchase you need to register with/sign up for our site, that is to enter some useful information for the invoice issue and the delivery . The data provided are subject to the protection of Privacy Act (D. Lgs. 196/ 2003) and can be changed at any time in the " Edit Account" and "Address Book" sections, available after Login.

Registration with the site is not binding in any way to purchase.

Registering/Registration is convenient: in addition to/besides/apart from not having to enter your details during the following purchases, you can be promptly informed about our promotions and new products by simply giving your consent to receiving our newsletter.

E-mail and Password

In order to log in, email address and password are required.

Forgot your password?

If you forgot your password, in the " Login " section, under the login form, you can click on the " Forgot Password" link, enter the e-mail address with which you registered and click on "Continue"; you will receive a new password via e-mail, use it to login.

We recommend that you change the received password with a new one chosen by you.